Watch Dog

24 11 2008


The Great Pyrenees is a breed of dog that has been adapted to watch over flocks, to protect livestock from predators.  They can be seen all over Kentucky, in fields guarding against coyotes.  They usually stay with their flock 24-7.

I see the church as the Great Pyrenees of our time.  Guarding over the flock, protecting it from predators.  A few weeks ago I learned a lesson I will never forget.  I meet a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  On the outside this wolf looked just like a sheep.  Looked white, on the outside I couldn’t tell the difference.  Talked like a sheep, had the same conversation.  Smooth talking using all the right words, all the right phrases.  He used God and Jesus and brethren, had me fooled.  I kind of sensed something different, but then I’m not a sheep inspector.

My Great Pyrenees, a friend, saw right through this sheep, and smelled a wolf.  I learned a lot that day.  And as a result I have started my own Great Pyrenees training.  We like to think of our world as safe and secure, we try to make our world without confrontation, but we need to be on guard for the times when wolves try to make their way in among us.  Gods word is full of ways to detect imposter’s of the faith, research the subject, find someone who has wisdom in the subject and learn from them, as I did.  I think when times get tough, and the economy takes a nose dive, con-artist come out of the wood work.  We need to be able to recognize the difference between people that need our help, from people trying to con us out of something.

I’ve been using a lot of metaphors, but the face of the matter, men these people will do you harm, and not think twice.  There was a point, while talking to this man I could tell he had no conscience.  A person with no conscience is dangerous.  Posted by Steve Waltrip


3 11 2008

I’ve noticed some things this election year.  I guess they’ve always been there I just haven’t paid attention to them. First, a pastor by law can not tell you who he is going to vote for, but my union told me in no uncertain terms who they wanted me to vote for.  Don’t get me wrong, I personally think we need Unions, but they have their agenda too.  Second, you can be put in jail for killing any Federally protected bird, but their are about 3700 babies aborted every day.  Third, more pastors are saying you need to get out and vote, this year more than any other year.

People say, they are going to vote for the lesser of the two evils, but I disagree.  I think there is only one evil this year.  So, just go vote!  Posted by Steve Waltrip